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partA.vx += ax;
partA.vy += ay;
partB.vx -= ax;
partB.vy -= ay;
Here, you find the distance between the two particles. If it's not less than minDist , you move on. But if it is
less , you determine the acceleration on each axis, based on the distance and springAmount . You add
that acceleration to partA 's velocity and subtract it from partB 's velocity. This pulls the particles together.
Try it out and you see something like Figure 12-4. The particles clump together like flies buzzing around a
garbage can. But even those clumps move around, break up, and join other clumps. It's interesting
emergent behavior. Change the minDist and springAmount values to see what happens.
Figure 12-4. Nodes in action
Nodes with connections
Although it is obvious that the nodes are interacting with one other, it's not obvious what the specific
interaction is between each pair of nodes. However, we can visualize this by drawing lines between the
nodes, and that's simple to do—just add some canvas drawing code to the spring function. If two nodes
interact, this draws a line between them:
function spring (partA, partB) {
var dx = partB.x - partA.x,
dy = partB.y - partA.y,
dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (dist < minDist) {
context.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
context.moveTo(partA.x, partA.y);
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