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satellite guidance system for NASA, you might want to leave G in there. But if you're programming the next
great space wars game, you can probably live without it.
Now that you have the updated formula, let's put it into code. In the drawFrame animation loop, iterate
over each particle and pass it to the move function. Inside that you call another function named gravitate
so you can separate the code that handles gravity:
function move (partA, i) {
partA.x += partA.vx;
partA.y += partA.vy;
for (var partB, j = i + 1; j < numParticles; j++) {
partB = particles[j];
gravitate(partA, partB);
(function drawFrame () {
window.requestAnimationFrame(drawFrame, canvas);
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
In the move function, you use a for loop to get the interactions of one particle to the rest. After you have
partA and partB , you pass these two objects to the gravitate function, which is:
function gravitate (partA, partB) {
var dx = partB.x - partA.x,
dy = partB.y - partA.y,
distSQ = dx * dx + dy * dy,
dist = Math.sqrt(distSQ),
force = partA.mass * partB.mass / distSQ,
ax = force * dx / dist,
ay = force * dy / dist;
partA.vx += ax / partA.mass;
partA.vy += ay / partA.mass;
partB.vx -= ax / partB.mass;
partB.vy -= ay / partB.mass;
In this function, you first find the distance ( dx and dy ) between the two particles, and the total distance.
Remember that the formula for gravity, force = m 1 × m 2 / distance 2 , contains the distance squared.
Normally, we calculate distance all at once using: dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) . But then to
get distance squared, we would square something that was a square root—that's double work. If we use
the variable distSQ to grab a reference to dx * dx + dy * dy before we take the square root, we save
ourselves that calculation.
Next, we find the total force by multiplying the masses and dividing by the distance squared. Then we
figure the total acceleration on the x and y axes. Again, we use the shortcut we discussed at the end of
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