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if (y2 > -ball.radius) {
//do bounce
The rest of the bounce should be obvious.
Then you rotate everything back, using the original formula. This gives you updated values for x1 , y1 ,
ball.vx , and ball.vy . All you need to do is reset the actual position of the ball instance by adding x1
and y1 to line.x and line.y .
Take some time to test this example. Try different rotations of the line, and different positions of both the
line and ball. Make sure it all works fine.
Optimizing the code
You've already seen some examples of changing code a bit to make it more optimized. This usually
involves doing things once instead of multiple times, or not doing them at all, unless you're sure they need
to be done.
The code in the previous example was written for clarity; there's a lot happening on every frame that
doesn't need to be. Much of that code needs to execute only when the ball has actually hit the line. Most of
the time, you just need the basic motion code, and the bare minimum of calculation to check whether the
ball has hit the line. In other words, you just need to be able to calculate the if statement:
if (y2 > -ball.radius) {
//do bounce
Here, you do need the y2 variable. And in order to get that, you need x1 and y1 , and sin and cos . But if
the ball hasn't hit the line, you don't need x2 , or vx1 and vy1 —those can go inside the if statement.
Also, if there's no hit, there's no need to rotate anything back or reset the ball position. So, all the stuff after
the if statement can go inside the if statement as well. You wind up with this optimized version of the
drawFrame function (which you'll find in 05-angle-bounce-opt.html ):
(function drawFrame () {
window.requestAnimationFrame(drawFrame, canvas);
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
//normal motion code
ball.vy += gravity;
ball.x += ball.vx;
ball.y += ball.vy;
//get position of ball, relative to line
var x1 = ball.x - line.x,
y1 = ball.y - line.y,
//rotate coordinates
y2 = y1 * cos - x1 * sin;
//perform bounce with rotated values
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