Information Technology Reference
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Figure 3.1. Sample flowchart (The flowchart allows for a visual inventory
of pages within the Web portfolio. Creating a flowchart allows you to
show the hierarchal relationships within your site. This flowchart is an
abridged version of the flowchart used in my portfolio. Counting up the
boxes will provide a tentative page quantity for the site.)
lines listing the content of each page. This will allow you to see a larger view of
the entire Web portfolio on paper. It is important that you make the most
expanded version of the flowchart that you can. The expanded flowchart will
help as you design the Web portfolio and add and delete content.
Count up the boxes and triangles to get a tentative Web page count for the
portfolio site. This counts as important. It gives you a basis to understand how
large or how small the Web portfolio project will be. Later on, as you develop
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