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an informal list. This list consists of raw materials. Don't be too concerned with
the organization of the list right now. Be sure to use the concept statement as
a starting point for developing the content list. Later, you will take the content
list and assemble it into a comprehensive outline.
You can use a word processing program such as Microsoft Word to type out
your list. It will save time and will be editable later on. Once the list is typed,
the pieces of information can be arranged to help you better understand the site
concepts and components. If the document is electronic the text can be copied
and pasted into the right spot. Or you can do it the low tech way. Write it out
and type it out later. Whichever method you prefer and is most comfortable for
you is best. I'll describe the process using the old fashioned way. Take a sheet
of paper and make a line down the center. On the left side, write “Graphical
Assets” and “Multimedia Assets”, and on the other side write “Text Assets”.
List every item that you want to put in your Web portfolio on either side. Now
keep in mind, this is a brainstorming exercise, so some items that make this list
may not make the Web site. This is due to a variety of reasons. Some items you
may label as outdated or not worthy. Other items may not be complete and still
need additional work before posting to the site. This list helps you think out the
content. Next, you will organize the content and weed out damaging items.
Remember, this list is being used to get you started. You can always, and should
always be posting new content to your Web portfolio. The portfolio is all about
content. The more content, the better the user experience.
Create Your Content Outline
Now, you have a rough list of content. You need to refine it. To do this, we
create a content outline. The content outline will have category headers that
represent main navigation. Under each main navigation header, you will place
Figure 2.1. Sample content list
Graphic and Multimedia Assets
Text Assets
Photo of me
Syllabi in Word
Introduction animation
Personal statement
CV in PDF format
Office hours
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