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and relearned throughout the Web portfolio cycle. Skills and problem solving
are put in application again and again as the Web portfolio design and redesign
process becomes iterative through practice, but fresh in its harvest of new
learning for future edits. Foundation skills in developing the Web portfolio
become intuitive and new learning occurs due to the introduction of new
findings, new techniques, new requirements, new software, new delivery
methods, new media, and new focus on what is perceived as important and
persuasive to the public.
Analysis refers to the ability to break down the Web portfolio into its
component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. This
includes the identification of the Web portfolio categories, analysis of the
relationships between Web portfolio categories, and recognition of the orga-
nizational principles involved in presenting the Web portfolio as a hierarchical
structure that allows nonlinear navigation for unrestricted usability. Learning
outcomes here represent a higher intellectual level than comprehension and
application because they require an understanding of both the content and the
structural form of the Web portfolio and how it has been conjoined into an
electronic narrative that informs, entertains, and persuades all at the same time.
Analysis of the audience and how they will perceive the Web portfolio also
takes place and has high value as a learning outcome. Analysis, the learning and
practice of it during the creation of the Web portfolio will guide appropriate
content discrimination while maintaining a healthy level of experimentations
without compromising the effectiveness of the Web portfolio on gaining work
for hire and illuminating a positive electronic appearance. Appraisal of integrity,
continuity, and appropriateness for the Web portfolios of others will also be
guided by the ability to compare, contrast, and criticize their work and narrative
against your own. The analysis of others Web portfolio can be beneficial and
feed a curiosity about credibility and interests, or maybe simply just to gain
inspiration for the next Web portfolio redesign.
Synthesis refers to the ability to put the parts of the Web portfolio together to
form a new whole. This may involve the production of wholly new creative
content, a detailed site plan that encompasses goals for gaining work for hire
and establishing an identity which require thinking about and recording a set of
abstract relations that act as a scheme for classifying information portrayed in
the Web portfolio. Specific learning outcomes in this area stress creative
behaviors, with major emphasis on the formulation of new patterns or structures
for presenting the personal narrative using the Web portfolio. Synthesis learning
occurs in the Web portfolio development process as the knowledge, compre-
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