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environment will be an on going advertisement for the skills and abilities of the
creator/subject. It will also constitute a postmodern appearance in the elec-
tronic media. The Web portfolio will serve as a new aesthetic for artists and
technologists, but also for everyone who commits to success in the knowledge
worker age.
The Web portfolio will make people digital in a wired world. As the world
decentralizes and flattens, the playing field between people and opportunities
will level due to the Web portfolio. The wired world will be full of skilled people
who need to exist there simply to exist in their vocations. One such example is
The Web portfolio will serve as an individuals “personal knowledge portal” for
everyone to explore. The value added portal will not only offer information but
provide instruction to educate the user, thus exemplifying the expertise needed
in the knowledge age to be truly “project effective”. The Web portfolio will
serve as a gateway of grand collaboration that will extend intelligent activities
learned by the Web portfolio creator or the users who experience the Web
Finally, the Web portfolio can evolve into a responsive environment that will
serve creative curiosity with new media tools and technologies that make the
user part of the Web portfolio. Maybe through open code Wikis, chatting, or
blogs, the communication platforms available to Web portfolio creators and
viewers will become integrated. Keeping up will be an everyday challenge of
the knowledge worker as he or she attempts to survive and thrive in the
knowledge age, the conceptual age, the information society, and the age of
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