Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
What made you decide to move forward and create a Web portfolio?
My perception of the necessity and importance of establishing a public,
accessible, online identity (especially with the new direction in my work).
Wasn't it the famous philosopher Rene Descartes that said “I Google,
therefore I am”?
What fears or doubts did you have before starting the Web portfolio?
I was afraid of the potential technical hurdles and knowing what to put in
and what to leave out. I was afraid that the site would not represent my
work and philosophy in the manner I expected.
What were the most difficult challenges you faced when creating the
Web portfolio?
Challenging aspects included finding the time, settling upon the right look,
and simplifying everything. One challenge was to highlight important
content by not putting it all in. In addition, finding the right mix of outside
technical help and learning enough on my own to be able to intelligently
discuss and maintain the site. Collaboration works!
Which steps in the process were most difficult?
Conceptualization design came easily and I decided to employ first rate
help in the development area mastering enough technical knowledge to
proceed. I came to understand and accept that this will be a less than
perfect, but ongoing process of learning.
Do you plan to redesign the Web portfolio eventually? If so, what
might you do differently?
Yes. There is no way I can ever just let things remain the same. I will add
information as that accrues and will no doubt adjust design elements as my
thinking changes over time.
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