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John Fekner, Educator
Created First Web Portfolio 1999
Web portfolio address:
What is your current position or student status? How long have you
been in your current industry or field?
Professor of art and director of the digital arts and design program at Long
Island University since 1990 and a practicing artist for over 30 years.
What does your Web portfolio content consist of? Please describe
and list assets or artifacts presented on the Web portfolio.
Forty-four photographic documentations of temporary outdoor and
indoor installations; four video documentation projects created as new
unique works for Web (excerpts); 10 sound recordings (excerpts)
QuickTime; four poems. Resume and other additional ephemera.
What made you decide to move forward and create a Web portfolio?
As a professional artist, worldwide visibility and networking are major
factors in outreaching to other artists, scholars, critics and researchers.
Without a Web, an artist remains within a much smaller and narrower
community of acquaintances, art dealers, critics, painstakingly created on
an individual's typical personal snail mail list.
What fears or doubts did you have before starting the Web portfolio?
At first, I had some reservations about allowing others the opportunity to
disseminate and reconfigure my work, by changing and altering the original
intention of the work. Then, due to the ephemeral nature of my work itself,
I decided that this would a rather unique setting for the work to be
presented to a much wider and newer audience, who were not aware of
my creative work in art, computer graphics, video, and sound recordings.
What were the most difficult challenges you faced when creating the
Web portfolio? Which steps in the process were most difficult? Was
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