Information Technology Reference
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which would need to be set in a pilot situation and monitored for issues,
problems and success.)
The goal is to provide lifetime portfolios to every student and alum.
Initially, during the pilot period, students will not have direct access to
update their e-portfolio after their e-portfolio course is completed. After
the pilot period, a system for updates can be developed and implemented.
One possible method may be to have students who want to update
complete an online form describing their updates. That form will be e-
mailed to the e-portfolio program coordinator for review. If the content
is acceptable, the changes are approved and the alum can then update to
the site. Each update will require an electronic signature by the student
indicating that the content uploaded does not contain illegal material not
related to the purpose of the Web.
(This is a loose timeline that can show expected progress in developing a
program. Individual institutional challenges and learning curves will get in the
way of progress. The focus is to show administration that there is a timeline for
success and tentative milestones that if met will enable the program to flourish.)
The GENERIC University E-Portfolio Project can be piloted over
Summer 05. Evaluation and assessment of classroom and overall summer
program results will be recorded and distributed to the faculty consortium
for review during September 2005.
May '05
Development of e-portfolio portal site
Development of online tutorials for faculty
Summer '05
E-portfolio design and development is offered in the
GENERIC school
Extensive student evaluation of the course is recorded
Faculty Workshops are provided
Fall '05
Faculty consortium and GENERIC school evaluate
effectiveness of summer program
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