Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter X
Launch and Promotion
At this point you should be excited. You have created a Web portfolio and
uploaded it to the Internet. You and your immediate circle of friends and
colleagues may know about the site by now. Potential employers, potential
clients, and other important contacts may not be aware that you have posted
a Web portfolio. During the launch and promotion stage you will reach out to
your audience with marketing communications that launch and promote your
new Web portfolio. In this chapter we will discuss the launch and outline
vehicles and methods that you can use to promote your Web portfolio.
We mentioned previously that the Web portfolio is a product. The Web
portfolio truly embodies the meaning of a product. Pride and Ferrell (1987, p.
12) defined a product as a good, service, or idea. As a good, the Web portfolio
represents you and to work as physical entities that can be bought. As a service,
the Web portfolio can promote you as a freelancer who provides specific
services. As an idea, the Web portfolio contains your philosophies, your
images, your concepts, and your themes. And with all products the Web
portfolio needs launch and promotion. Marketing and communications activi-
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