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On the main stage (timeline), click on to the layer name and drag the name
graphic symbol from the library on to the stage. Next, align it to the stage
so that it is centered.
Repeat step five for the remaining words. Place each word on its
corresponding layer. If you make an error, click CTRL+Z to undo. You
get up to approximately 99 undos in Flash.
At this point, you should have your name and all the word symbols neatly
placed in the center on the stage. The words should be overlapping each
other with the name layer on the top of the stacking order. At this point,
we can begin to add motion to the text symbols. To make things easier,
we can hide the layers we are not using in the timeline by clicking off the
dot under the eye for the corresponding layer. Hide all the layers except
for the name layer.
Click on the text symbol and lets click on Insert>Timeline Effects>Blur.
This effect will automatically provide an interesting motion effect for you
to use. The blur effect dialog box will pop up. Set the duration to 24, the
resolution to 10, and the scale to 10. Update the preview to see the
results. The frame duration bar will now be extended out to frame 24. To
preview the animation, click CTRL and ENTER at the same time. This
will launch the Flash Player.
Now repeat the process with the five words. Move the words to different
locations on the stage. Then, move each set of frames for each word down
the timeline. The animation should not exceed 125 frames in total (five 24-
frame single word animations). Be careful to work with each word
individually. Pay attention to each word by hiding the other layers. For
now, utilize the easy to use timeline effects provided by Flash.
Finally, we need to save the proprietary .FLA file and then export the Web-
ready SWF file. To do this we go to File>Save and save the Flash document
directly into our root directory. We could have made a new directory folder for
the flash files but because we only have a few, we can manage them just as easy
from the root. When we save the FLA, we are saving the editable Flash file with
layers in tact. This is important because when we need to update the file we can
have the source to make the job easy. To create the SWF file, we go to
File>Publish. When we publish from Flash, Flash generates an SWF file and
an HTML file. SWF files a Web page as a container or they will play directly
in the Flash Player. SWF files should be embedded in an HTM page. They run
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