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The most important navigational element seen in the Web portfolio is the link.
Links provide an interactive experience and are the basis of all hypermedia.
Linking occurs between pages and other Web sites for the purpose of providing
an easy path to locating content. Broken links cut the user off from the content,
so they must be thought out structurally and checked during testing phases.
Links need to be consistent throughout the Web portfolio both in visual style
and hierarchal position. Top-level navigation and links must stay at the top level
on all pages. This is true for sub-navigation as well.
Other navigational elements that were discussed include jump menus and drop-
down menus which are effective when there are lists of items that need to be
accessed by the user.
Isolating contact may require you to create a pop-up window. The pop-up
window is simply a Web page that has launched from a JavaScript attached to
text or a graphic. Opening browser windows is a great technique for the Web
portfolio because it allows you to control the window size and literally create
a micro site for the portfolio work.
Visual feedback in navigation elements is seen in rollovers. Rollovers provide
the user with a change in state of the button or linked graphic. The change of
state is typically visual and lets the user know that the navigation element is live
and linked to go someplace. Using rollovers should be planned out so that each
time rollovers are used they have a purpose and are not simply added to the
design for ornamental or entertainment purposes.
Discussion on timelines within Macromedia Dreamweaver showed us how we
can add layers to timelines and then structure keyframes along the timelines in
which change can occur. Timelines in Dreamweaver allow motion of layers
across a Web page and also provides the ability to have a layer be visible or
hidden at a certain point in time. Using timelines may not be needed for basic
Web portfolios. But, as you start to experiment more and more with Web
software applications you can begin to integrate what you have learned into
your existing Web portfolio.
Finally, the basic JavaScript commands were discussed in the context of
behaviors and handwritten codes. Behaviors are JavaScripts which are ac-
cessed inside of Macromedia Dreamweaver. Creating both Windows using
open browser window is an example of using a behavior. Writing the JavaScript
to close a browser window is an example of handwritten codes. Both
applications were examined and you should practice in executing JavaScripts
using behaviors and writing basic scripts similar to the close window one.
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