Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.10. Jump menu (You can link from a jump menu. Use this
behavior-based navigation item when you have a long list of linked items
(US States, for example) and no space, or when using electronic forms
that auto fill and log data. Programming the jump menu with links is easy.
Add the name that will appear in the menu and then the link destination.)
ricated tools that you can use in your portfolio. You might list your artwork or
other content in a quick list for the user to jump immediately to the work without
moving through any page gateways or introduction animations.
To create a Jump Menu, you must insert it from INSERT>FORM>JUMP
MENU. You will see a red dotted line around the menu in Dreamweaver. Don't
be alarmed, it's just a form tag that needs to be in place for the Jump Menu to
work. To edit the Jump Menu, you should double click on it to reveal its
properties in the properties inspector. The list values button provides menu
name and the value is for the link that the menu name jumps to. Use relative
paths for pages in your site and absolute HTTP:// addresses for Web pages and
sites outside your site.
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