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Figure 6.5. Sliced page in Macromedia Fireworks (Slices create a table
with placed graphics in each cell.)
slice and use the properties inspector to change the file optimization format used
upon export. This means that some slices are exported as GIF and some are
exported as JPG. This is all based on your decisions when slicing.
Upon exporting, Fireworks will ask you where to place the new graphic files
and the HTML file that supports them. You'll need to refer back to the folder
structure you previously created.
The most important thing to remember when exporting is to put the files in the
correct folders. Be consistent and place files in their proper locations.
For this site we are using this structure: All HTML pages are exported to the
root folder: jdimarco (first initial, last name). Name the .htm pages
descriptively. Bio.htm, .portfolio_menu_page.htm, cases_1.htm, cases_2.htm,
are all good name conventions. Don't use spaces or odd characters in file
names. Underscores are good for separating words in file names. Do not use
extra periods in filenames — except at the end before the .htm file extension.
The files will not work if they are named incorrectly.
All images are exported to the images folder: jdimarco/ images. Your
home page or “first page” of the site is always named index.htm. After
export and optimization, you will save a native Fireworks file complete with
slices, layers, and text. The file may be used for editing and exporting later on.
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