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or Macromedia Fireworks. The graphic can be adjusted using handles for
scaling and rotating. Once scaled, use the crop tool to eliminate extra
space around the graphic. Then save or export the graphic as a GIF or a
Text-Based Content
The following sections on Web resumes and project descriptions can initially
be created in Microsoft Word and then copied and pasted into an HTML file
in Macromedia Dreamweaver or in the case of the resume, be saved as a PDF.
The important point here is that you want to write the project descriptions first
so you have a chance to write them, proof read them, and edit them. This
shouldn't be done while you are creating Web pages. It may cause you to spend
less time and consideration on the information included in them.
Web Resumes and CVs
Web resumes and curriculum vitas (for teachers) are simply text-based content
that can be represented in your Web portfolio in the form of a PDF file, an
HTML file, or even a graphic file. The techniques for handling the various
formats have been discussed in this chapter. However, we will give some extra
attention to Web resumes and CVs because they are critical components to the
self promotion, credibility, and persuasion of the Web portfolio.
The Web resume or Web CV can be interactive and have links from HTML-
based text. Or, you can use the image map tools on the properties inspector in
Dreamweaver or Fireworks to create linkable hotspots anywhere on the
resume (you'll learn about this in later chapters). You could link from jobs listed
on the resume directly to projects in the Web portfolio. Using these content
techniques, prepare your resume and have it ready for the Web functionality
and Web development techniques that you will be learning later in this text.
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