Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Megabytes to gigabytes to
terabytes generated per hour
Big Data
Te ns to thousands of bytes of
data transported every hour
Big Data characteristics.
the supporting data that was needed but not available or accessible previously now exists and is
accessible through multiple channels. This is where the volume equation of data exploding to Big
Data comes to play. We will discuss this with examples in the later sections of this chapter.
Globalization . Globalization is a key trend that has drastically changed the commerce of the
world, from manufacturing to customer service. Globalization has also changed the variety and
formats of data.
Personalization of services . Business transformation's maturity index is measured by the extent of
personalization of services and the value perceived by their customers from such transformation.
This model is one of the primary causes for the velocity of data that is generated.
New sources of data . With technology tipping points in the last decade, we now have data floating
around in social media, mobile devices, sensor networks, and new media more than ever before.
Along with this data there is now content within the corporation that was never tapped into
decision support process from a Business Intelligence and Analytics perspective. The emergence
of newer business models and the aggressive growth of technology capabilities over the last
decade or more has paved the way for integrating all of the data across the enterprise into one
holistic platform to create a meaningful and contextualized business decision support platform.
These trends have added complexities in terms of processes, and at the same time created the need
for acquiring the data needed for the processes, which can provide critical insights into areas that
were never possible. Technology also evolved in the last 20 years that provided the capability to gen-
erate data at extreme scales:
Advances in mobile technology
Large-scale data processing networks
Commoditization of hardware
Cloud computing
Open-source software
Let us now examine the definition that was published in the original META Group research report.
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