Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In conclusion, the concept of a data warehouse and its primary goal of serving an enterprise's ver-
sion of the truth, and being the single platform for all sources of information, will continue to remain
intact and valid for many years to come.
As we have discussed across many chapters and in many case studies, the limitations that existed
with the infrastructures to create, manage, and deploy data warehouses have been largely eliminated
with the availability of Big Data technologies and infrastructure platforms, making the goal of the
single version of truth a feasible reality.
Integrating and extending Big Data into the data warehouse and creating a larger decision support
platform will beneit businesses for years to come. This topic has touched upon governance and infor-
mation life-cycle management aspects of Big Data in the larger program, however, you can reuse all
the current program management techniques that you follow for the data warehouse for this program
and even implement agile approaches to integrating and managing data in the data warehouse.
Technologies will continue to evolve in this spectrum and there will be more additions of solu-
tions, which can be integrated if you follow the modular integration approaches to building and man-
aging a data warehouse.
The following Appendixes contain many more case studies and a special section on healthcare
information factory based on Big Data approaches. These are more guiding posts to help you align
your thoughts and goals to building and integrating Big Data in your data warehouse.
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