Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In 2011, Nokia put its central CDH cluster into production to serve as the company's enterprise-wide
information core. Cloudera supported the deployment from start to finish, ensuring the cluster was
successfully integrated with other Hadoop clusters and relational technologies for maximum reliabil-
ity and performance.
Nokia is now using Hadoop to push the analytics envelope, creating 3D digital maps that incorpo-
rate traffic models that understand speed categories, recent speeds on roads, historical traffic models,
elevation, ongoing events, video streams of the world, and more.
Key highlights
Hadoop platform: Cloudera Enterprise
Hadoop components: HBase, HDFS, Scribe, and Sqoop
Data warehouse: Teradata, Oracle, and MySQL
Big Data scale
100+ TB structured data
Multiple PB multistructured data
Thousands of users in multitenant environment
Case study 6: Quantifying risk and compliance
Company: Cloudera and Datameer
Customer: Financial services
Industry: Financial services
Business applications:
Asset risk measurement
Regulatory compliance
50+ comprehensive data-sanity and -quality checks per record.
Monthly data-quality reports provided to CRO and CFO to ensure regulatory compliance
and accurate forecasts.
To quantify asset risk and comply with regulatory reporting requirements such as the Dodd-Frank
Act, this leading retail bank is using Cloudera and Datameer to validate data accuracy and quality.
Integrating loan and branch data as well as wealth management data, a major retail bank's data-
quality initiative is responsible for ensuring that every record is accurate. The process includes sub-
jecting the data to over 50 data-sanity and -quality checks. The results of those checks are trended
over time to ensure that the tolerances for data corruption and data domains aren't changing
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