Java Reference
In-Depth Information
version 1.2.2, includes version 2.1 of Commons Collections, distributed as a JAR file
named commons-collections-2.1.jar .
If you download the bare JasperReports class library, you will need to download
Commons Collections separately from
collections/ .
Jakarta Commons Logging
The Commons Logging library includes components that aid developers with
sending data to log files. JasperReports takes advantage of this component, which
can be found under the lib subdirectory of the directory created when extracting
the project ZIP file. The version included with JasperReports version 1.2.2 is version
1.0.2. The file to be added to your CLASSPATH is commons-logging-1.0.2.jar .
If you download the bare JasperReports class library, you will need to download
Commons Logging separately from .
Jakarta Commons BeanUtils
The last library that JasperReports requires for compiling reports is Commons
BeanUtils . BeanUtils is a library that provides easy-to-use wrappers around the
Java reflection and introspection APIs. Version 1.2.2 of the JasperReports project
ZIP file includes BeanUtils version 1.5. The file to be added to your CLASSPATH is
commons-beanutils-1.5.jar .
If you download the bare JasperReports class library, you will need to download
Commons BeanUtils separately from
beanutils/ .
Optional Libraries and Tools
There are a number of libraries that are required only if we wish to take advantage of
some of JasperReports' features. These optional libraries and their uses are listed next.
Apache ANT
JasperReports comes bundled with some custom ANT targets for previewing report
designs and for viewing reports serialized in JasperReports' native format. Although
not mandatory, it is very helpful to have ANT available to take advantage of these
custom targets.
Throughout this topic, we will be using JasperReports-speciic ANT targets.
Therefore, ANT is required when following the examples. ANT can be downloaded
from .
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