Java Reference
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One of the main features of the springframework is that it allows applications to be
very loosely coupled by allowing dependencies to be defined in XML configuration
files. This allows changing dependencies without having to change a single line
of code.
In the jasperSpring-servlet.xml file, we define a dependency on the
database datasource by declaring the bean with an id of datasource and setting
it up as a property of the jasperController bean. The bean with the id of
publicUrlMapping maps the report URL to our controller. The bean with the id
of viewResolver is an instance of org.springframework.web.servlet.view.
ResourceBundleViewResolver .
Its purpose is to look up values in a resource bundle to determine what view to use.
Its basename property defines the name of the property file containing the keys to
look up. In this case, the property file must be named .
Notice that the base name of the keys ( report , in this case) must match
the name of the controller property defined in the application context for
SimpleUrlHandlerMapping . It is in this property file that we actually declare that
JasperReports will be used to render the data.
In this example, we are using the JasperReportsPdfView class to export to PDF.
The Spring framework also supports exporting to CSV, HTML, and Excel. To
export to one of these formats, the classes to use would be JasperReportsCsvView ,
JasperReportsHtmlView , and JasperReportsXlsView , respectively. All of these classes
are in the org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports package.
The report.url property defines where to find the compiled report template. In
order for the JasperReportsPdfView class to find the compiled report template,
it must be located in a directory matching the value of this property. The report
template we will use for this example is the one discussed in the Database Reporting
via a Datasource section of Chapter 4.
Just as with most MVC frameworks, we never code our servlets directly when
writing web applications using Spring MVC; instead, we write controller classes.
In this example, our controller class implements the org.springframework.web.
servlet.mvc.Controller interface. This interface defines a single method called
handleRequest() .
package net.ensode.jasperbook.spring;
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