Java Reference
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<band height="50">
<band height="30">
<band height="100">
<band height="30">
<band height="50">
<band height="50">
<band height="50">
The JRXML file here mostly illustrates the main elements of a JRXML file. All
elements in the file are optional except for the root <jasperReport> element. The
above JRXML file, when compiled and filled, will generate an empty report; not
very useful in its own right, but it can be used as a template for creating more useful
reports. As can be seen in the above example, each main element of the JRXML file
contains a <band> element as its only child element. Bands contain the data that is
displayed in the report. In the above example, all bands are empty. In real JRXML
files, bands contain child elements that are used to position, format, and display the
actual report data, both textual and graphical. There are commercial and open-source
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