Java Reference
In-Depth Information
When resetType is Group , this attribute determines the name of the group at which
the chart expression value is reset. The value for this attribute must match the name
of any group declared in the JRXML report template.
Plotting Charts
Another common JRXML element through all chart types is the <plot> element. The
JRXML <plot> element allows us to define several of the chart's characteristics like
orientation and background color.
Attributes of the <plot> Element
All attributes for the JRXML <plot> element are described in the following sections.
This attribute defines the chart's background color. Any six digit hexadecimal value
is a valid value for this attribute. The hexadecimal value must be preceded by a # . It
represents the RGB value of the chart's background color.
This attribute defines the transparency of the chart's background color. The valid
values for this attribute include any decimal number between 0 and 1 , inclusive. The
higher the number, the less transparent the background will be. The default value is 1 .
This attribute defines the transparency of the chart's foreground colors. The valid
values for this attribute include any decimal number between 0 and 1 , inclusive. The
higher the number, the less transparent the background will be. The default value is 1 .
This attribute defines the chart's orientation �vertical or horizontal). The valid values
for this attribute are listed below:
Default value is Vertical . Now that we have seen the attributes that are
common to all types of charts, let us look at all the different types of charts that
JasperReports supports.
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