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<textElement rotation="None"/>
<band height="60">
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="555" height="60"
<![CDATA[Report Background Demo]]>
<band height="600">
<reportElement x="0" y="300" width="555" height="60"
mode="Transparent" style="centeredText"/>
<![CDATA[This report demonstrates how to set the report
The JRXML <background> element, just like all other JRXML elements that create
a report section, contains a single <band> element as its only sub-element. The
<background> element is different from other section elements because it is designed
to span a complete page, with its contents shown behind all other report elements.
It is worth noting that to allow report backgrounds to display correctly, the mode
attribute of other report sections must be set to Transparent .
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