Graphics Programs Reference
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1. Close any open files, and then open the file
Ch11_Spot_Healing.tif from the Chapter 11
Look closely at the image; you'll see some
acne on the child's forehead and a wet spot
on her shirt. Both are easy fixes with the Spot
Healing Brush tool.
2. Activate the Spot Healing Brush tool from
the Tools panel.
3. Choose a soft-edged brush from the Options
bar. Make the brush only slightly larger than the problem
areas. For this image, a brush size of 25 pixels and a hardness
of 25% will work well.
4. Set the blending mode in the Options bar to Replace to pre-
serve noise, grain, and hair texture at the edges of the stroke.
5. Choose a Type of repair in the Options bar:
proximity Match. Pixels from the edge
of the selection are used as a patch for
the selected area. This should be the first
attempt at repair; if it doesn't look good,
switch to the Create Texture option.
Create Texture. Pixels in the selec-
tion are used to create a texture to fix
the damaged area. If the texture doesn't
work, try dragging through the area one
more time.
6. Click once on an area you want to fix. You
can also click and drag over a larger area.
After fixing the acne, touch up the wet spot
on the child's shirt. If you are unhappy with
the spot healing stroke, simply undo and try
again with a smaller brush. You can also try
stroking in different directions to modify
your results.
Upon close examination, you should notice that you have
healed several blemishes in the photo. If only life were
so easy.
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