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Improving Photos 11
Damage, like fashion, is often very subjec-
tive. If you show the same set of photos to five
people and ask them to comment on mistakes
or damage, you'll likely get five very different
answers. The reason is that people find different
things distracting: A crooked photo may bother
some, whereas others may dislike dust on the
camera sensor. Several aspects of an image can
be “wrong,” but it is also impossible to have a
“perfect” photo.
Repairing and
Because damage is so subjective, I recommend
asking your clients or end customers (if pos-
sible) what needs repair. Ask them questions
like, would you like anything different or can
anything be better? You'll often be surprised by
their answers. Sometimes a fix will be as simple
as a crop or a color correction, but more often it
will involve removing something from (or adding to) the picture.
The world has embraced digital enhancement, and you may be
surprised at how much Photoshop can do.
The photo on the right has had several small blemishes
repaired, proper contrast restored, and a small “accident” fixed.
This chapter tackles issues like physical damage, such as rips,
wrinkles, scratches, and fading as well as digital issues such as
overblown skies and noise. It focuses on techniques that you
can perform in less than 10 minutes. With practice you can fix
80 percent of the problems in 10 minutes; the other 20 percent
you either learn to live with or spend more time on.
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