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Cache model
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the cache
Anotated SW code
HW Platform model
Cache model
Annotated SW code
Hit bit
HW Platform model
Fig. 2.9 The underlying concept applied to reduce of cache modeling overhead. The idea is to
reduce the overhead by removing the function calls and searches done in the cache that are required
when a new line is required. Instead, a bit checking is integrated in the software code annotation.
Thus the cache model is only accessed at cache misses
containing instructions of different basic blocks are checked in all the blocks, so the
reduction is slightly reduced.
The second improvement is even more important for complex caches. In order
to avoid time-consuming “tag” searches, the dynamic search is replaced by a static
“bit checking” solution. In the proposed model, a cache line is modeled as a structure
which includes the target set at which it may be allocated and a flag which determines
if a line is currently allocated in cache:
struct icache_line {
char num_set;
char hit;
The cache is modeled as a two-dimension array of pointers to cache line structures.
The dimensions of the array depend on the physical characteristics of the cache to be
considered (size, associativity and line size). All necessary methods for fetching or
replacing data are also provided with the model. The caching mechanism consists of
storing the addresses of the line structures in the array. An empty location in cache
is modeled as NULL value.
The struct for each cache line is declared statically inside the SW code as part of
the annotation, not in the cache model. This is done with the following line.
static icache_line line_124 = {0,0};
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