Hardware Reference
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Integration Requirements and Goals
The idea to integrate effectively the DSE techniques within an Operating System
cannot disregard the problems highlighted in the previous section. Moreover, to
provide a general control solution which is acceptable by the Linux community, it is
required to integrate the DSE control with the existing frameworks.
To satisfy all these goals, by providing a flexible and efficient OS integration of
the DSE control techniques, a hierarchical design should be considered. In such a
design, the monitoring, management, control and optimization strategy is operated at
different granularity levels. Each granularity level collects requirements from higher
level, runs a specific optimization policy, and finally identifies a set of constraints
delivered to lower levels.
Such a hierarchical approach requires the development of a new framework, in be-
tween the DSE control policy and the in-kernel existing frameworks, which allows to
collect application requirements and match them against resources availability. This
matching is performed based on a dynamic optimization policy to be developed at
different abstraction levels and according to different optimization goals. Run-time
optimization policies derived from DSE are considered as coarse grained configu-
ration points, related to the specific off-line profiled application. Nevertheless, such
information could be aggregated at run-time with other system requirements in order
to achieve a fine-grained and system-wide optimization.
The main abstraction levels are user-space, kernel-space and device-space. The
user-space level corresponds to the DSE control policy, which can be defined off-
line for the fine tuning of profiled critical applications. An example of those kind of
policies is presented in [ 14 ]. The kernel-level control policy is defined by the new
framework, which allows to collect and aggregate requirements from both critical and
best-effort applications. This level is somehow similar to the cross-layer frameworks
presented in Sect. 6.4.2 . Finally, the device-space level is related to each pre-existing
subsystem specific control policy like those presented in Sect. 6.4.1 .
Regarding the optimization goals , the definition of a new kernel-space frame-
work, which could have a system-wide view on run-time system state and resource
availability, allows more easily to develop a control policy which is aware of run-
time phenomena. This new framework could provide support for optimization goals
which are difficult to define off-line, such as resource usage fairness, application
performance, power consumption and thermal management.
The new RTRM kernel-space framework proposed for the integration of the DSE
defined control policies allows to effectively target two main goals: dynamic resource
partitioning and resource abstraction.
Dynamic Resource Partitioning
Each application could be associated to a certain “priority level” related to the differ-
ent impact that the application (either critical or best-effort) could have on the overall
user experience. Thus, the RTRM framework should provide a support to handle both:
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