Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Robert Falcon Scott's party at the South Pole on 18 January 1912:
(left to right) Dr Wilson, Captain Scott, Seaman (Taff ) Evans,
Dr Oates, and Lieutenant Bowers. The negative of this photograph
was found inside the tent in which Scott and three of his companions
Amundsen became icons of the age of discovery along with sailors,
such as Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Cook, who reached out to
distant parts of the world.
The following is part of the account given by David Livingstone
when, in 1856, he sailed down the Zambesi River and named
Victoria Falls:
After twenty minutes' sail from Kalai, we came in sight, for the
fi rst time, of the columns of vapour, appropriately called 'smoke',
rising at a distance of fi ve or six miles, exactly as when large tracks
of grass are burned in Africa. … The whole scene was extremely
beautiful; the banks and islands dotted over the river are adorned
with sylvan vegetation. … There, towering over all, stands the great
burly baobab, each of whose enormous arms would form the trunk
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