Geography Reference
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Here we give the main sources of our examples, quotations, and
fi gures.
E. A. Ackerman, 'Where is a Research Frontier?', Annals of the
Association of American Geographers , 53 (1963): 435.
D. E. Alexander, 'Natural Hazards on an Unquiet Earth', in Unifying
Geography: Common Heritage, Shared Future , ed. J. A. Matthews
and D. T. Herbert (Routledge, 2004), pp. 266-82.
American Geographical Society and others, Geography for Life
(National Geographic Research and Exploration, Washington DC,
1994), p. 18.
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Impacts of a Warming Arctic
(Cambridge University Press, 2004).
L. K. Barlow, J. P. Sadler, A. E. J. Ogilvie, and others, 'Interdisciplinary
Investigations into the End of the Norse Western Settlement in
Greenland', The Holocene , 7 (1997): 489-99.
S. Bieri and N. Gerodetti, 'Falling Women - Saving Angels: Spaces in
Contested Mobility and the Production of Gender and Sexualities
within Early Twentieth Century Train Stations', Social and
Cultural Geography , 8 (2007): 217-34.
C. Butler, Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford
University Press, 2002).
J. Caesar, The Gallic Wars and Other Writings (Heron Books edition,
1957), p. 1.
N. Castree, 'Economy and Culture Are Dead! Long Live Economy
and Culture', Progress in Human Geography , 28 (2004):
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