Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Some have suggested that the trend to globalization is signalling
the end of traditional geography. They would say that because
a world dominated by global-scale processes might seem to
diminish the importance of our traditional interest in local
and regional considerations. In physical geography, global
processes, such as climate change and the carbon cycle,
including the impact of 'greenhouse gas' emissions on global
warming, are increasingly setting the research agenda. Similarly,
rapid communication, corporate business, and international
agencies are leading to a new global human geography.
However, a major thrust in contemporary human geography
has been to question the power of universal processes and to
focus on differences, diversity, and the plurality of ways in which
people react to and initiate change. There are opportunities
opening up from both 'physical' and 'human' globalization
in relation to the interplay between scales ranging from the
local to the global. The local impacts of global change and the
global impact of local events are intimately related. Whether
these relate to global warming, a tsunami, terrorism, or a
fi nancial crash, they illustrate the continuing importance
and relevance of space, place, and environment in the changing
Present geography's weaknesses
With such an array of strengths and opportunities, in pure and
applied research and in education, it is tempting to say that
geography has never had it so good! However, the situation is not
as optimistic as it would appear at fi rst sight. Some of the parallel
weaknesses and threats are hinted at by Sally Eden in relation to
the environmental theme:
Geography took its eye off the environmental ball for the fi rst
half of the twentieth century, and then got caught on the hop.
Environmental concern in the 1970s found Geography fragmented,
unprepared and perhaps unwilling to take a leadership role.
Although geographers in Britain and elsewhere have explored a
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