Biology Reference
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The scope exists for searching for novel compounds from the marine
environment that can serve as models for drug development. Marine
biotechnology encompasses those efforts that help in harnessing marine
resources of the world. With the current technologies in bio-engineering
and synthetic chemistry, pharmaceutical industry can achieve success in
processing of marine organisms for the development of drugs and other
important compounds for healthcare.
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Antranikian, G., Vorgias, C.E. and Bertoldo, C. (2005). Extreme environments as a resource
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Barday, W.R. (2006). Schizochytriu m and Thraustochytrium strains for producing high
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Becker, E.W. and Venkataraman, L.V. (1984). Production and utilization of the brown-green
alga, Spirulina in India. Biomass 4: 105-107.
Berge, J-P. and Barnathan, G. (2005). Fatty acids from lipids of marine organisms: molecular
diversity, role as biomarkers, biologically active compounds and economical aspects.
Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. 96: 49-53.
Bhadury, P., Mohammed, B.T. and Wright, P.C. (2006). The current status of natural products
from marine fungi and their potential as anti-infective agents. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol .
33: 325-329.
Bhakuni, D.S. and Rawat, D.S. (2005). Bioactive metabolites of marine algae, fungi and
bacteria. In: Bioactive Marine Natural Products. D.S. Bhakuni and D.S. Rawat (authors)
Springer, The Netherlands pp. 1-25.
Borowitzka, M.A. (1999). Commercial production of microalgae: ponds, tanks, tubes and
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Burja, A. and Radianingtylas, A. (2005). Marine microbial-derived nutraceuticals
biotechnology: an update. Food Sci. Technol . 19: 14-19.
Campo, J.A. del., Garcia-Gonzalez, M. and Guerrero, M.G. (2007). Outdoor cultivation of
microalgae for carotenoid production: current state and perspectives. Appl. Microbiol.
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Capon, R.J., Rooney, F., Murray, L.M., Collins, E., Sim, A.T.R., Rostas, J.A.P., Butter, M.S. and
Caroll, A.R. (1998). Dragmacidins: New protein phosphatase inhibitors from a southern
Australian deep-water marine sponge, Spongosorites spp., J. Nat. Prod. 61: 660-662.
Cerrano, C., Calcinai, B., Cucchiari, E., Di Camillo, C., Nigro, M., Regoli, F., Sara, A.,
Schiapparelli, S., Totti, C. and Bavestrello, G. (2004). Are diatoms a food source for
Antarctic sponges? Chem. Ecol. 20: 57-64.
Cole, R.J. and Schweikert, M.A. (2003. Handbook of Fungal Metabolites. Academic Press,
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Douglas A.E. (2003). Coral bleaching—how and why? Review. Mar. Pollut. Bull . 46: 385-391.
Duckworth, A. (2009). Farming sponges to supply bioactive metabolites and bath sponges: A
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