Biology Reference
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Central Africa
Fermented dried fi sh ( salanga )
Raw Material:
Alestes Nile perch, parch
Fish for fermentation may sometimes be of poor quality and unsuitable
for smoking. The fi sh is scaled, gutted and washed. Larger species of
fi sh are split dorsally and opened up. In one process, the dressed fi sh
is dried immediately after washing and fermentation takes place dur-
ing drying. In another, the fi sh is left to ferment for 12-24 hours before
drying. The fi sh is dried on mats or grass spread on the ground. Fish
may also be dried by hanging vertically or horizontally on drying lines,
either by passing a stick through the head or by tying the fi sh with a
thread along the stick. Drying takes about three to six days depending
on the weather. Previous experimental trials to introduce salt curing
were not successful due to the scarcity and high cost of salt.
Fermented and sun-dried fi sh are light brown in colour with a dry, fi rm
texture. Products made from partially spoiled fi sh have a characteris-
tic strong smell. A well-dried product can be stored for at least three
months. The product is susceptible to insect infestation and for this
reason, some processors indiscriminately apply insecticides such as
Lindane, Gammalin20, Shelltox, DDT and Gardona to the product. This
practice is a health hazard to consumers.
West Africa
Côte d'Ivoire
Adjonfa or gyagawere
Raw Material:
Catfi sh, croaker, meagre, shark, mullet, skate, rays, triggerfi sh, horse
mackerel, octopus, tuna, sole, Spanish mackerel, sea bream, herring,
African moonfi sh
(a) Semi-dried : The fi sh is scaled, gutted and cut into pieces, when nec-
essary, or split dorsally. It is then washed and dry-salted. The exudate
from the fi sh is retained in the vats and the fi sh is immersed in this for
fermentation from 12 hours to two days depending on the ambient
temperatures. The fi sh may also be left to stand for about 12-24 houra
before salting. At the end of the salting process the fi sh is removed and
dried for two to fi ve days to achieve a fi nal product with a moisture
content ranging from 45 to 55 percent.
(b) Hard-dried : The raw fi sh is scaled and cut into pieces or split dor-
sally. It is then washed and dry-salted for 12-24 hours. The fi sh is then
removed and is sun-dried for two to seven days or until a fairly dry
product with a moisture content of about 35-40 percent and salt level of
7-19 percent is obtained.
(a) The semi-dry products usually have a very strong pungent smell
and soft texture. They are susceptible to insect infestation and mould
growth, with a shelf-life of up to two months.
(b) Dry fermented fi shery products have a mild smell and are very
susceptible to fragmentation. Under humid storage conditions, mould
growth occurs and so requires periodic redrying to maintain quality.
These products can be stored for at least six months if properly dried.
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