Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.36 Save Settings Subset is a great way to create special
groups sof settings for reuse.
in the Settings dropdown list. If you saved the file somewhere else, use Load Settings to
find the file with the .xmp extension and open it.
Delete Current Settings removes the active custom setting. To use Delete Current
Settings, select the custom setting in the Settings dropdown menu to activate it, and
then select Delete Current Settings. This will remove the XMP file, so use it with care!
Export Settings will move settings from the Camera Raw database to an external
XMP file. If you've set your preferences to save to XMP as I recommended earlier, this
command won't be needed.
Use Auto Adjustments will toggle the Auto Adjustment settings on the Adjust
tab on or off depending on their current state. If you saved Camera Raw Defaults to
turn Auto Adjustments off, this is a quick way to restore them for a RAW file. The
Auto Adjustment settings also control how Bridge displays RAW thumbnails.
Reset Camera Raw Defaults will restore all settings to their original state. If
things get too funky, sometimes it's best to just start over.
Saving in Camera Raw
New to Camera Raw with Photoshop CS2 is the ability to save converted files without
actually opening them in Photoshop. Although this ability is the most useful when con-
verting multiple images, selecting Save rather than Open can be a quick way to do the
basic conversion work now while saving the post processing tasks for later. For detailed
information on using Save, refer to Chapter 5, “Automating Camera Raw.”
The advanced version of Camera Raw contains a number of additional features geared
toward the pro or high-volume shooter. It will also appeal to anyone who likes to
tweak settings to get an image just right (Hello, my name is Jon, and I'm a tweaker).
All of these options are designed to give you the highest quality image possible before
conversion, with the least amount of effort required after the conversion. Still, there are
some things that are best left until later, and I'll cover those in the next chapter.
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