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Using ${ } in Expressions
Enclose the validation expression within ${ } , or don't—the
choice is yours. Indeed, expression="this < today" and expres-
sion="${this < today}" are equivalent. Stripes automatically adds
${ } for you if you leave it out.
Personally, I prefer using ${ } because I find it makes it clearer
that an EL expression is being used. Whichever format you
choose, being consistent will certainly make your code more
prefix and a four-digit suffix, as in (654) 456-4567 . To be lenient with our
users, we'll allow some flexibility with the input format:
• The parentheses around the area code are optional.
• The separators between each part of the phone number can be
hyphens, periods, or spaces, or they can be omitted altogether.
For example, all these phone numbers are acceptable:
(654) 456-4567
654 456 4567
(654)456 4567
654 4564567
Adding this validation is easy by building a regular expression mask
with the following constructs:
\(? and \)? to represent an optional opening and closing paren-
[-. ]? to accept an optional hyphen, period or space
\d to represent a digit
{N} to indicate the previous construct repeated N times
With these constructs, we can validate the phone number by adding
the following mask. Since the regular expression is in a Java String , we
have to use \\ to represent \ .
Download email_06/src/stripesbook/action/
/ * previous validations... * /
mask="\\(?\\d{3}\\)?[-. ]?\\d{3}[-. ]?\\d{4}")
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