Java Reference
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wouldn't be nice to welcome the user to the form with validation error
messages! With on= "save", required-field validations are restricted to
save ( ) and so do not cause errors in form ( ).
Once in the form, the user may very well enter invalid values and then
click the Cancel button. You need to turn off all validations by anno-
tating cancel ( ) with @DontValidate so that the user will be allowed to
cancel the form even if the input is not valid.
Whew. . . enough theory. Let's look at some examples.
Using Built-in Validations
Let's get back to our webmail application. We have a form to enter a
contact's information, displayed by contact_form.jsp :
Download email_06/web/WEB-INF/jsp/contact_form.jsp
<s:form beanclass="${actionBean.class}">
<div><s:hidden name=""/></div>
<table class="form">
<td> Email: </td>
<s:text name="" class="required"/>
<!--Same for First and Last name, Phone number, Birth date-->
<td> &nbsp; </td>
<s:submit name="save" value="Save"/>
<s:submit name="cancel" value="Cancel"/>
ContactFormActionBean sends the user to the form and handles the form
Download email_06/src/stripesbook/action/
package stripesbook.action;
public class ContactFormActionBean extends ContactBaseActionBean {
private static final String FORM="/WEB-INF/jsp/contact_form.jsp";
public Resolution form() {
return new ForwardResolution(FORM);
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