Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.8: Dialog box to confirm before delete
Information Messages
OK, so we've added a message before deleting a contact. It'd be nice to
also add a message after deleting to inform the user that the operation
was successful.
Stripes provides a simple mechanism for displaying information mes-
sages. It is a two-step process:
1. Add messages to the action bean context.
2. Display them in the view.
Adding Messages to the Context
The ActionBeanContext contains a list of information messages. We can
retrieve the list via getMessages ( ) and add messages with add(Message) .
Here's how we add a message to confirm that a contact was deleted:
Download email_04/src/stripesbook/action/
public Resolution delete() {
Contact deleted =;
new SimpleMessage("Deleted {0}.", deleted)
return new RedirectResolution(getClass());
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