Java Reference
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Here is the code for the Contact class: 1
Download email_01/src/stripesbook/model/
package stripesbook.model;
public class Contact {
private Integer id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private String phoneNumber;
private Date birthDate;
/ * Getters and setters... * /
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try { return id.equals(((Contact) obj).getId()); }
catch (Exception exc) { return false ; }
public int hashCode() {
return 31 + ((id == null ) ? 0 : id.hashCode());
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s %s", firstName, lastName);
The Data Access Layer
Now that we have a model, we need to make it easy for action beans
(the controller) to work with this model. The approach I like to use is
the Data Access Object (DAO). This is basically an object with methods
to create, read, update, and delete model objects. Action beans don't
need to know how objects get stored and retrieved, and the DAO hides
these implementation details.
Since we might want to use different ways of managing model objects,
we'll use an interface to define the DAO methods. Action beans call
methods on this interface and do not need to change if we decide to
swap implementations.
1. To reduce “noise,” I leave out the import statements in code listings from this point on.
Most of the time, I also omit getter and setter methods.
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