Java Reference
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have commons-fileupload.jar and commons-io.jar in the class path, or it's
CosMultipartWrapper if you have cos.jar in the class path. If neither imple-
mentation can be loaded, a debugging message is logged. No exception
is thrown because not all web applications need to support file uploads.
To use a different implementation, use the following:
<param-name> MultipartWrapper.Class </param-name>
<param-value> stripesbook.nonext.MyMultipartWrapper </param-value>
This is the implementation of the PopulationStrategy interface to populate
the values of form input tags. The default is DefaultPopulationStrategy . As
we saw on page 189 , the BeanFirstPopulationStrategy is a useful alterna-
<param-name> PopulationStrategy.Class </param-name>
This is the implementation of the TagErrorRendererFactory interface,
which returns objects that implement TagErrorRenderer . The default is
DefaultTagErrorRendererFactory . Here's an example:
<param-name> TagErrorRendererFactory.Class </param-name>
This is the implementation of the TagErrorRenderer interface, which for-
mats form input fields when they are in error. This parameter is loaded
by DefaultTagErrorRendererFactory . The default is DefaultTagErrorRenderer .
Here's an example:
<param-name> TagErrorRenderer.Class </param-name>
<param-value> stripesbook.nonext.MyTagErrorRenderer </param-value>
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