Java Reference
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protected Boolean hasRoleName(ActionBean bean, Method handler,
String role)
User user = getUser(bean);
if (user != null ) {
Collection<Role> roles = user.getRoles();
return roles != null && roles.contains( new Role(role));
return false ;
public Resolution handleAccessDenied(ActionBean bean,
Method handler)
if (!isUserAuthenticated(bean, handler)) {
RedirectResolution resolution =
new RedirectResolution(LoginActionBean. class );
if (bean.getContext().getRequest().getMethod()
String loginUrl = ((BaseActionBean) bean).getLastUrl();
resolution.addParameter("loginUrl", loginUrl);
return resolution;
return new ErrorResolution(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED);
private User getUser(ActionBean bean) {
return ((BaseActionBean) bean).getContext().getUser();
This allows us to do some pretty cool things with EL expressions. For
example, recall how we previously restricted users to seeing their own
data, including their own messages in MessageDetailsActionBean :
Download email_34/src/stripesbook/action/
public void setMessage(Message message) {
if (getUser().equals(message.getFolder().getUser())) {
this .message = message;
Say we wanted to keep restricting users to their own messages but let
administrators see other users' messages. We could accomplish that by
putting the setter method back to just a plain setter and annotating
MessageDetailsActionBean .
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