Java Reference
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Joe Asks. . .
Why Isn't the SecurityManager Implementation Loaded via
the Extension Packages mechanism?
All classes of the Stripes-Security plug-in are in the same pack-
age. This includes, among other things, the interceptor and two
SecurityManager implementations. By adding that package to
the extensions, the interceptor is automatically loaded. But we
wouldn't want the two SecurityManager implementations to be
loaded as well. One, there must be exactly one implementa-
tion, and two, we have to be able to provide our own.
Putting the two SecurityManager implementations in separate
packages just to solve the extension packages issue would be,
well, rather lame. Besides, you'd still have to indicate one of
those packages in web.xml , so you wouldn't be saving any con-
figuration. Since you have to add a parameter either way, it
may as well just be the class that implements SecurityManager ;
it's clear and explicit.
We'll tell Stripes-Security to use our security manager by configuring it
in web.xml :
Download email_35/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
<param-name> SecurityManager.Class </param-name>
Now that MySecurityManager is ready to go, we can use @DenyAll , @Per-
mitAll , and @RolesAllowed on action beans and event handlers to control
access rights. Here's how we grant access to UserListActionBean only if
the user has the Administrator role:
Download email_35/src/stripesbook/action/
public class UserListActionBean extends BaseActionBean {
Just like that, people without the Administrator role are denied access
to UserListActionBean . It's simple and straightforward, and we're reusing
standard Java annotations instead of introducing new ones.
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