Java Reference
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Stripes Never Ceases to Amaze Me
So, I was building the User List page for this example and
wanted to generate checkboxes next to each user to show
which roles each user has. As I was iterating over the list of roles
provided by the action bean, I was trying to figure out how to
make the checkbox checked if the user's list of roles contains
the current role in the iteration.
I was hoping for a contains operator or something similar in the
JSP EL so that I could write ${user.roles contains role} , but no such
luck. Then, I wrote a small JSP custom tag library with a function
so that I could use ${myfn:userHasRole(user,role)} . That involved
writing a class with a static method, declaring the tag library
in a TLD file, and importing the tag library with a taglib directive
in taglibs.jsp . As I was doing this, I was dreading having to explain
it all. . .
. . . until I had a closer look at the documentation for the Stripes
<s:checkbox> tag. It turns out that Stripes is smart enough to
recognize this often-needed functionality of having a check-
box be checked if the current value is contained in a collection.
All I had to do was put the user's roles in the checked= attribute
and the current role in the value= attribute, like this:
<s:checkbox name="..." value="${role}" checked="${user.roles}"/>
The checkbox is checked if ${user.roles} contains ${role} . Awe-
some! No wonder I like Stripes so much. Happy with that simple
and elegant solution, I went off to get rid of all that unneeded
tag library code with a big smile on my face.
Besides that it is simple and flexible, what makes the Stripes-Security
plug-in attractive is that it supports using roles with standard Java
annotations. We'll get to that in a minute—let's start by setting up the
plug-in. First, add to the extension packages:
Download email_35/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
<param-name> Extension.Packages </param-name>
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