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cheerful support staff would activate their account. Here's a simplified
User class for this example:
Download security/src/stripesbook/model/
package stripesbook.model;
public class User {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private boolean activated;
/ * getters and setters... * /
The activated flag is false by default, and the support staff sets it to
true when the user calls in and provides the appropriate information.
Of course, we wouldn't include a user.activated field in the registration
form, but a mischievous user could forge a form and then submit user.
activated=true along with the rest of the registration information, effec-
tively bypassing our activation process.
Annotating the user.activated property with @Validate(ignore=true) solves
the problem. However, adding that to every single property that we want
to block can become cumbersome. Another annotation that comes in
handy when we want to allow certain properties and block “everything
else” is @StrictBinding . When we annotate an action bean with @StrictBind-
ing and use validations on the properties that are meant to be entered
by the user, all other properties are automatically blocked:
Download security/src/stripesbook/action/
package stripesbook.action;
public class UserFormActionBean extends BaseActionBean {
@Validate(field="lastName", required= true , minlength=2),
@Validate(field="firstName", minlength=2)
private User user;
/ * ... * /
Now, user.activated is blocked from binding. Using @StrictBinding , this
way is convenient when we are validating all user-entered fields. All
nonvalidated fields are assumed to be for internal use only and so are
not bound by request parameters.
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