Java Reference
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ModelBase is not itself an entity. By using @MappedSuperclass , JPA will
add its properties to each @Entity subclass. The @Id and @Generated-
Value annotations indicate that id is the identifier property and its val-
ues should be automatically generated by the database. This is inher-
ited by each of our model classes because they all extend ModelBase .
Look again at Figure 12.2 , on the preceding page. We've identified the
entities, and now we need to establish the relationships between them.
If we work our way from the top to the bottom of the diagram, all entities
have zero or more of the entity below: a user has zero or more folders, a
folder has zero or more messages, and so on. JPA refers to these types
of relationships as one-to-many if you're reading the diagram from top
to bottom or many-to-one if you're going from bottom to top.
JPA provides the @OneToMany and @ManyToOne annotations to describe
these relationships. The User class has a @OneToMany relationship with
the Contact class, and the Contact class has a @ManyToOne relation-
ship with the User class. We indicate these relationships by adding the
annotations to the properties:
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public class User extends ModelBase {
private Set<Contact> contacts;
/ * Getters and setters... * /
Notice that the mappedBy= attribute of @OneToMany corresponds to the
name of the property in the Contact class that refers to the User :
Download email_23/src/stripesbook/model/
public class Contact extends ModelBase {
private User user;
/ * Getters and setters... * /
We've identified the other side of the relationship with @ManyToOne on
the user property of the Contact class. After doing the same for the other
relationships between entities, we're done with adding JPA annotations
to the model.
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