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Download email_22/web/WEB-INF/jsp/common/taglibs.jsp
<fmt:setBundle basename="${}"/>
Every page already uses taglibs.jsp , so just like that, we've set the bundle
globally. Now the JSTL will dynamically use the action bean class as a
base name for its resource bundle. That's it—we don't even need the
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.localizationContext context parameter in web.xml in
this case.
With this nifty maneuver, the <fmt:message> keys in the JSPs don't
need a prefix. For example, in the Login page, we now have this:
Download email_22/web/WEB-INF/jsp/login.jsp
<fmt:message var="title" key="title"/>
<s:layout-render name="/WEB-INF/jsp/common/layout_main.jsp"
<s:layout-component name="body">
<p><fmt:message key="pleaseLogin"/> : </p>
<!-- ... -->
<s:link beanclass="stripesbook.action.RegisterActionBean">
<fmt:message key="register"/>
</s:link> <fmt:message key="toCreateAnAccount"/> .
Since the page is associated to stripesbook.action.LoginActionBean , that
becomes the resource bundle for the localized text:
Download email_22/res/stripesbook/action/
pleaseLogin=Please login
toCreateAnAccount=to create an account
Download email_22/res/stripesbook/action/
pleaseLogin=Veuillez vous identifier
toCreateAnAccount=pour cr\u00e9er un compte
Very clean. The keys are concise, and the resources are grouped to-
gether with the action bean class in matching . properties files.
The only exception to this resource bundle pattern is using StripesRe-
sources for free-form text not associated with a specific action bean,
such as in the layout JSPs. In those cases, add <fmt:setBundle base-
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