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Download email_20/src/stripesbook/ext/
package stripesbook.ext;
public class MyLocalePicker extends DefaultLocalePicker {
public static final String LOCALE = "locale";
public Locale pickLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
// Look in the request.
String locale = request.getParameter(LOCALE);
if (locale != null ) {
session.setAttribute(LOCALE, locale);
// Not found in the request? Look in the session.
else {
locale = (String) session.getAttribute(LOCALE);
// Use the locale if found.
if (locale != null ) {
return new Locale(locale);
// Otherwise, use the default.
return super .pickLocale(request);
In the pickLocale ( ) method, the locale= request parameter has priority
for choosing the locale. Next comes the last selected locale, which is
stored in the session. Finally, when the user first accesses the applica-
tion, the method falls back to the default behavior of using the value
supplied by the browser until the user clicks the link to change the
Again, we can just add MyLocalePicker to the stripesbook.ext package, and
it will automatically be loaded by Stripes because we designated this
package in web.xml as the package for Stripes extensions. Gotta love
Now we can add a link to switch from one language to the other at the
bottom of each page by adding this code to layout_main.jsp :
Download email_20/web/WEB-INF/jsp/common/layout_main.jsp
<fmt:message var="otherLocale" key="layout.otherLocale"/>
<s:link href="${actionBean.lastUrl}">
<s:param name="locale" value="${otherLocale}"/>
<fmt:message key="layout.otherLanguage"/>
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