Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11.3: The Login page in French
Translating the Other Parts of the Application
Back on page 158 , we created a view helper that manages the menu
displayed at the top:
The label for each menu item was hard-coded in the Section enumera-
tion; we now need to make it translatable. We can do that by removing
the text and replacing it with a resource bundle text key. We'll build
the key using a section. prefix followed by the name of the enumeration
Download email_20/src/stripesbook/action/
public enum Section {
MessageList(MessageListActionBean. class ),
ContactList(ContactListActionBean. class ),
Compose(MessageComposeActionBean. class );
private String textKey, beanclass;
Section(Class<? extends ActionBean> beanclass) {
this .textKey = "section." + name();
this .beanclass = beanclass.getName();
public String getTextKey() { return textKey; }
public String getBeanclass() { return beanclass; }
The JSP that displays the menu is easily adapted by retrieving the text
from the resource bundle using the text key provided by each section.
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