Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Thank you, Aaron Porter, Chris Herron, Ben Gunter, Brandon Goodin,
Jasper Fontaine, Tim Fennell, and Jeppe Cramon, for participating in
the topics technical review.
Thank you, Remi Vankeisbelck, Will Hartung, Jasper Fontaine, and
Jeppe Cramon, for reviewing my outline and offering your suggestions.
Thank you, Aaron Porter, for contributing Stripersist and the client-
side validation code and agreeing to having them featured in this topic.
Special thanks for your patience in answering all my questions!
Thank you, Oscar Westra van Holthe-Kind, for contributing the Stripes
security package.
Thank you, Martijn Dashorst and Eelco Hillenius, for answering my
questions and offering advice on undertaking the tremendous challenge
of writing a computer book.
Finally, thank you, Stripers, for forming such a bright, helpful, dyna-
mic, lively, and friendly community. That's what Stripes is all about.
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