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Tim Says. . .
ActionBeanContext Isn't Limited to HttpSession
Freddy covered an example of using the action bean context
to insulate the rest of your code from accessing things that are
stored in HttpSession . In my opinion, an even greater benefit is
that because your code is insulated from the implementation
details, you can actually change how you store and access
items without any impact.
Let's say, for example, that your HttpSession object is getting too
big—you're storing too much in it. In such a situation you might
choose another strategy: store some identifier in a cookie and
then look up the actual object when needed. The following is
an example of how you might do that, and no caller will ever
know the difference:
package stripesbook.ext;
public class MyActionBeanContext extends ActionBeanContext {
private static final String FOLDER = "folder";
private Folder currentFolder = null ;
public void setCurrentFolder(Folder folder) {
Cookie c = new Cookie(FOLDER, String.valueOf(folder.getId()))
public Folder getCurrentFolder() {
if ( this .currentFolder == null ) {
Cookie c = findCookie(FOLDER);
int id = (c != null ) Integer.parseInt(c.getValue()) : 0;
this .currentFolder = MockFolderDao.getInstance().read(id);
return this .currentFolder;
private Cookie findCookie(String name) {
for (Cookie c : getRequest().getCookies()) {
if (c.getName().equals(name)) {
return c;
return null ;
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