Java Reference
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<d:column property="from" sortable="true"/>
<d:column property="to" sortable="true"/>
<d:column title="Subject" sortable="true">
<s:param name="message" value="${}"/>
The folder list is now fully functional, and we're just getting warmed
Altering Form Values in the Action Bean
Remember that in the Message Compose page we had a list of contacts
in a select box and arrow buttons to add the selected contacts to the
list of recipients:
Each arrow button invokes an event handler that builds a string from
the text field and the selected contacts. It's tempting to just change the
value of the message's to , from , or bcc property in the action bean and
expect the new value to show up in the corresponding text field:
Download email_19/src/stripesbook/action/
public Resolution addTo() {
return new ForwardResolution(COMPOSE);
public Resolution addCc() {
return new ForwardResolution(COMPOSE);
public Resolution addBcc() {
return new ForwardResolution(COMPOSE);
private String getRecipientString(String previous) {
if (contacts != null ) {
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